An even-toned and softly-textured complexion can help you have a youthful appearance. But environmental elements and lifestyle choices make tone and texture more difficult to maintain. Uneven skin tone, texture and color can be the result of a variety of factors, including environmental exposures, pollutants, sun exposure, tanning beds and even diet. Most people (yes, men, that includes you!) want to present a healthy and youthful image. There are some very simple ways of doing this – ways that will fit right into your daily routine, but will make a big effect on your skin's health and appearance! They are simple secrets to healthier, younger looking skin. EXFOLIATE – This process removes dead skin cells that can make your skin look dull. Using a cleanser or lotion that contains alpha (glycolic) or beta (salicylic) hydroxy acids will keep your skin looking fresher and more youthful. CLEANSE – Daily cleansing is essential to remove excess oil and dirt from your skin. This will help prevent pimples and acne as well. Ensure you use a cleanser that is meant for your skin type. Click here to learn more.
MOISTURIZE – Whether your skin is oily or dry, you may benefit from moisturizing your skin. Moisturizers moisten your skin by locking water on the surface. Keeping skin hydrated always helps boost a blah complexion, but new lotions made with niacinamide (vitamin B) and other thirst quenching nutrients do more than that.
PROTECTION FROM SUN - Ultraviolet rays present in sunlight are one of the biggest enemies of your skin. Protect your skin from the sun with a daily sunscreen SPF 30 or higher. For those of you who are active outdoors, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours or after swimming/heavy sweating. New studies show that combining green tea extracts with sunscreens provides more potent protection against sun damage.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Nutrition/Natural Medicine
Dr. Dunev specializes in weight loss, hormone balancing, handling fatigue, low metabolism, balancing blood sugar, sleep problems and numerous other health issues. Many chronic health conditions can be corrected by treating the underlying cause.
Get a personalized nutritional analysis and get on the correct supplements for your body! As an introductory offer, you get an initial consultation visit (allow an hour) for $150 and a follow up visit for for $25 if you come back in 2 weeks (This is a $225 value) Call now to schedule your appointment! Call and we will fax you a symptom survey to fill out and fax back to us. You will receive a personalized nutritional program and a phone consultation to get your body on the right track! Cost $75.00. Click here to learn more.Have you been wondering...
Are you too busy to come in for a consultation?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tip of the Week: If I have an atypical or abnormal mole, will it turn into cancer?
Not necessarily, but be sure to look for new spots or anything that changes or evolves. The general rule of thumb when looking for suspicious moles is all about ABCD (asymmetry, border, color, diameter) -- and "E" (which is for evolving). It's important to look for what the one that stands out and looks different from the others. For example, if you're pink and freckly and have a black dot on your back amid the freckles you should have this looked at. Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive e-mail only news & tips!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Video of Dr. Lisa Benest's feature on The Doctors
Burbank Dermatologist Dr. Lisa Benest was recently featured on hit show "The Doctors".
Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive e-mail only news & tips here.
Watch the video here:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tip of the Week: What's the best sunscreen to use?

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tip of the Week: How do I know if I'm ready for Botox (or Dysport) or not?

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Monday, October 18, 2010
Plump and Smooth: Dermal Fillers Evolve
Dermal fillers are designed to fight the signs of aging by plumping wrinkles, filling in hollowness and enhancing lips. Dermal fillers have been available for many years, but recently new kinds of fillers have become available through your dermatologist.
First, it is important to understand the difference between injectibles such as Botox and Dysport and dermal fillers. Although they are both delivered by injection, they serve very different purposes. As the name implies, fillers are designed to plump wrinkles, fill in hollowness and enhance lips, while Botox or Dysport targets and relaxes muscles to prevent new lines from developing.
The advantages of fillers are usually considered to outweigh possible risks. Fillers are generally cost-effective (starting at a few hundred dollars), easy to administer and natural looking. The effects commonly last four to 12 months. However, fillers can cause occasional bruising, mild pain or discomfort when injected and, in rare circumstances, allergic reactions. Thus is it always recommended to discuss this option with your dermatologist.
Increasingly popular, brand-named fillers can be classified into several categories, including collagen, hyaluronic acid (Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane) and calcium-based (Radiesse). However, new kinds of fillers — including synthetic and permanent options, have recently debuted on the market, making it even harder to evaluate the growing list of brands.
Fillers that use hyaluronic acid act as humectants (substances that preserve the moisture or water content of the skin). They increase volume and are best used for lips and wrinkles. New hyaluronic acid-based fillers on the market include Juvéderm XC containing the anesthetic lidocaine to help reduce pain during the injection procedure. Both Restylane and Perlane also have a new lidocaine-included version. Calcium-based Radiesse works to combat deeper creases around the cheeks. Another product, Sculptra, is especially good for the hollows in the skin. These products generally last 6-12 months, although some individuals experience longer lasting results, especially after several treatments.
The new wave of fillers aims to improve the longevity of the treatments. The most controversial may be permanent options such as silicone or Artefill, another synthetic product. Although these fillers sound appealing, experts question whether permanence is truly a benefit. Also, since these materials are often foreign to the body, they can lead to long lasting allergic reactions, such as nodules at the injection sites.
With so many options available, those interested in dermal fillers should consult with their dermatologist to discuss expectations, evaluate options and devise a plan specific to their needs. Look for a doctor who is well versed in using different types of fillers and who doesn't have alliances with just one company. A doctor who is comfortable with different dermal fillers will choose the best ones for your needs, often using several kinds to achieve best results.
Dr Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about how to take care of your skin as well as the most up-to-date treatments in skin care, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse. Check out their website for a complete list of all the treatments:
Lisa Benest MD
1624 W. Olive Ave #B
Burbank, CA 91506
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dr. Lisa Benest Featured on YouTube's eHow Beauty Channel
Dermatology & Skin Care: Video Series
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tip of the Week: Is There Anything I Can Incorporate Into My Diet To Help My Skin?
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Chemical Peel Alternative: Organic Green Peel For Age Spots - As Seen On The Doctors

Dermatologist Dr. Lisa Benest explains, "What makes [the peel] unique is we don’t put an acid on the skin. Most people use an acid.” Traditional chemical peels use varying strengths and types of acid to treat damaged skin and age spots. Laser Skin Resurfacing such as Fraxel can also treat age spots but can be abrasive on the skin. Since the Green Peel is all natural, the ingredients are relatively easier on the skin while delivering chemical peel-like results.
The active ingredients in this organic face peel include several different herbs, one of which is horsetail. This herb contains natural silica, which when rubbed onto the skin, polishes the outside of the skin, penetrates the pores to stimulate collagen and increases blood flow. Similar to a chemical peel with acid, the organic Green Peel will turn the skin red as layers of skin are being exfoliated. More intensive than normal exfoliation, the Green Peel is ideal for patients of all skin color and type. A complete treatment is 5 exfoliation sessions.
Results are probably not as dramatic as a true chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing, but the Green Peel is a good alternative for anyone interested in all natural and organic skin care.
Now you can add the Green Peel to your list of going green. Your skin (and smaller carbon footprint) will thank you.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Have Sippy Will Travel
The great Blog Have Sippy Will Travel featured us in a guest post today!
Take a trip over there and give them a follow. Enjoy your reading!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tip of the Week: How many abnormal moles should I have biopsied?
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Friday, September 17, 2010
Tip of the Week: If I have an atypical or abnormal mole, will it turn into cancer?

Not necessarily, but be sure to look for new spots or anything that changes or evolves. The general rule of thumb when looking for suspicious moles is all about ABCD (asymmetry, border, color, diameter) — and “E” (which is for evolving).
It’s important to look for what the one that stands out and looks different from the others. For example, if you’re pink and freckly and have a black dot on your back amid the freckles you should have this looked at.
Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive e-mail only news & tips!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tip Of The Week: How often do I need to be seen for skin cancer prevention?
1) Having a family history of skin cancer
2) Having a history of childhood sunburns
3) Having fair skin and/or freckles
4) Having lots of moles.
So, if you are at a high risk, then you should go see your dermatologist at least once a year. However, even if you're not, it doesn't hurt to get regular yearly checkups. And no matter how few or many risk factors you have, you should always be hyper-aware of your body and anything that looks unusual on your skin.
Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive e-mail only news & tips!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tip of the Week: What causes my acne?

While it's common knowledge that clogged pores and bacteria can cause acne. Acne may also be due to the following:
1) Hormones: Your acne could be elicited by your birth control pill, so getting rid of your skin imperfections could be as simple as switching to a different pill. Your natural hormone changes may cause the acne too, and there may be some natural hormonal creams that could help.
2) Diet: Acne has been linked to sugar and dairy, as well as refined and processed foods. You could try cutting back on these items to see if your diet is triggering your breakouts.
3) Stress: Leave it to good ol' stress to manifest itself in ugly ways like zits. Stress affects our skin by stimulating our body to produce too much of acne producing hormones.
For more information on acne, it's causes, prevention and ways to handle it, please visit the website.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tip of the Week: What simple things can I do to make myself look better?
1) Laser resurfacing procedures or peels
2) Fillers
3) Tightening or lifting procedures
4) Botox or relaxing procedures
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tip of the Week: What's the best sunscreen to use?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tip of the Week: How do I prevent skin cancer?
For more skin care information and tips, please visit our website!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Gimme A Kiss

You go to the gym and buy work out equipment for the home to keep your body in shape, so why not also take the time to work out your face. Facial muscles need as much exercise as much as the rest of your body. As facial skin and muscles lose elasticity and start sagging over time, regularly exercising your facial muscles ensures that they will stay firm, support the skin on your face against gravity and have good circulation so that you can decrease wrinkles and droopiness in old age.
Facial muscle exercises don't require a gym, and can be done pretty much anywhere in just a few minutes. Set aside a few minutes in the morning and before bed, and try to do five to ten repetitions of each. Doing these in front of the mirror in the morning will also help you start your day with a laugh! How about at your desk? Or on the subway? Or bus? In your carpool if you’re a passenger – give the other drivers a good laugh! (Just don’t distract them too much – or get distracted yourself if you’re driving.)
1. “Oh My” - raise your eyebrows as high as you can and hold them for five seconds.
2. “I Love Gene Simmons” - open your mouth as wide as possible and stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold for a few seconds.
3. “The Scream” - using your three center fingers, press down on your cheeks and smile as hard as you can to raise your cheek muscles against your fingers.
4. “Bewitched” - move your nose as much as you can from side to side.
5. “The Sourpuss” - lift your eyebrows as high as you can, open your eyes as wide as possible and frown at the same time.
6. “Gimme a Kiss” - pucker your lips out as far as possible into the shape of an "O." Then change your expression into a wide smile. Repeat several times.
7. “Don’t Ask” - sit in a comfortable chair and look up at the ceiling. Pucker your lips and stick your tongue out as far as possible to exercise your neck muscles. You can also simulate a chewing motion (or chew gum!) while you are in this position.
Once you’ve established a regular routine for working out your face, don’t forget to reward those hard working facial muscles by giving yourself a face massage. Press your fingers into your facial muscles and work in gentle, circular motions from top to bottom. This increases circulation and also helps your facial muscles relax if you have been looking really stressed.
As you’ll soon see, it does not take long to do these facial exercises, and you will be rewarded now and in the future with healthy, firm and glowing skin – and a good laugh every day!
Dr Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about skin rejuvenation as well as the most up-to-date lasers, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse. Check out their website for a complete list of all the treatments:
She can be reached at:
1624 W. Olive Ave #B
Burbank, CA 91506
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Say Goodbye to Raccoon Eyes

Dark eyes can be quite dramatic when applied with eye liner…or if you’re a raccoon. But dark circles in the form of “bags under the eyes” make us look old and tired and simply detract from the rest of our appearance. Cover up and eye makeup can help hide dark circles, but the best solution is to understand the real cause and apply an effective remedy.
Dark circles under or around the eyes can be caused by many different factors. The most common causes are:
Fatigue, lack of sleep: Excessive tiredness can cause paleness of the skin and poor circulation, which can cause the skin to appear darker.
Nutrition: The lack of nutrients in the diet, or the lack of a balanced diet, can contribute to the discoloration of the under eye area.
Stress: A too-fast-paced lifestyle, or long hours on the computer, can contribute to bags under your eyes, especially when coupled with inadequate sleep.
Heredity: Like varicose veins, dark circles under the eyes can be an inherited trait. The skin under the eye is very thin. When blood passes through the large veins close to the surface of the skin it can produce a bluish tint. The more transparent your skin, the darker the circles appear.
Allergies, Asthma and Eczema: Any condition that causes eyes to itch can contribute to dark circles under the eyes because rubbing or scratching can darken the skin. Hay fever sufferers particularly will notice under-eye "shiners" during the height of the allergy season.
Medications: Medications that cause blood vessels to dilate can cause circles under the eyes to appear darker. Because the skin under the eyes is very delicate, any increase blood flow shows through the skin.
Age: As we get older, there is a shift in the fat pad under the eye, and you may develop creases. This can looks like dark circles, because the creases cast shadows on the skin. This shadowing greatly improves with the application of fillers, such as Restylane, under the skin.
Consult with your dermatologist to determine the actual cause of the dark circles. And follow these simple guidelines to improve your circulatory health and appearance right away.
Get eight hours of sleep: This is a must for all of us, especially for people with dark circles under their eyes.
Diet: Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet, drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, coffee, tea and soft drinks.
Include green leafy vegetables and all other food items that are rich source of vitamin K. Vitamin K is very effective in treating the damaged capillaries around the eyes.
Tea Bag Treatment: Try applying a cold compress of green or black tea to increase circulation, which helps reduce swelling around the eyes. Steep for 20 minutes, then strain and chill. Place over eyes for 15 to 20 minutes, once a day, as needed.
Moisturizer: To minimize the appearance of bags, plump up skin with moisturizer, one that contains vitamin C, green Tea, vitamin K and other antioxidants.
Whether from heredity, stress, diet or any other reason, dark circles under the eyes just make us look tired. Simple diet and lifestyle changes can help reduce those circles, but to erase them most effectively consult with your dermatologist and say “goodbye” to raccoon eyes.
Dr. Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank, CA. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about how to take care of your skin as well as the most up-to-date treatments in skin care, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse.
Lisa Benest M.D.
1624 W. Olive #B
Burbank, CA
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tip of the Week: How do I know if I'm aging well or not?
If you have any questions, please feel free to visit the website for articles, tips, products and more!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Secrets to Flawless Skin
An even-toned and softly-textured complexion can help you have a youthful appearance. But environmental elements and lifestyle choices make tone and texture more difficult to maintain. Uneven skin tone, texture and color can be the result of a variety of factors, including environmental exposures, pollutants, sun exposure, tanning beds and even diet. Most people (yes, men, that includes you!) want to present a healthy and youthful image. There are some very simple ways of doing this – ways that will fit right into your daily routine, but will make a big effect on your skin's health and appearance! They are simple secrets to healthier, younger looking skin.
EXFOLIATE – This process removes dead skin cells that can make your skin look dull. Using a cleanser or lotion that contains alpha (glycolic) or beta (salicylic) hydroxy acids will keep your skin looking fresher and more youthful.
CLEANSE – Daily cleansing is essential to remove excess oil and dirt from your skin. This will help prevent pimples and acne as well. Ensure you use a cleanser that is meant for your skin type.
MOISTURIZE – Whether your skin is oily or dry, you may benefit from moisturizing your skin. Moisturizers moisten your skin by locking water on the surface. Keeping skin hydrated always helps boost a blah complexion, but new lotions made with niacinamide (vitamin B) and other thirst quenching nutrients do more than that.
PROTECTION FROM SUN - Ultraviolet rays present in sunlight are one of the biggest enemies of your skin. Protect your skin from the sun with a daily sunscreen SPF 30 or higher. For those of you who are active outdoors, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours or after swimming/heavy sweating. New studies show that combining green tea extracts with sunscreens provides more potent protection against sun damage.
EAT WELL - Adding a dressing made with olive oil to your salad may increase your skin’s radiance. The monounsaturated fats in the oils help increase the absorption of the disease-fighting antioxidants and skin-smoothing nutrients found in dark leafy greens and colorful vegetables. A diet high in antioxidants and low in refined, processed foods not only keeps our skin smoother, it also protects us against skin cancer and other forms of cancer.
EXERCISE – Being physically active is directly related to the health of your skin. Sweating clears out the skin pores and stimulates blood circulation. This, in turn, cleanses the skin and brings a glow to it. Moderate exercise such as walking for a half hour, cycling, swimming, etc will help in maintaining the health of your skin over time.
These are some simple secrets to flawless and healthier looking skin. Everyone can implement most of these into a daily routine and see a difference in no time! Consult with your dermatologist and discover other ways to halt the process of time on your skin and see a beautiful, healthy, and younger looking appearance.
Dr Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank, CA. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about skin rejuvenation, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse. Check out their website for a complete list of all their treatments:
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Get Your Body Ready For Summer
It’s almost time to shed those winter woolies and expose your skin to summer sunshine. Are you and your skin ready? Most of us can’t go straight from parkas to poolside – we need a little help getting our bodies ready for short sleeves, bare legs and bathing suits! Here are a few simple procedures you can do to show off your body at its best this summer.
Dry Skin
Winter is harsh on skin, and nothing looks worse in that pretty spring dress than dry, cracked skin. A full body exfoliation will get rid of that dead skin and get the fresh glow of spring. Pay special attention to feet, knees and elbows, and any other trouble spots for your body. But remember – your facial skin is more sensitive than your arms and legs, so don’t use the same product on your whole body.
You can also help your body deal with dry skin from the inside out! Keep skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day. Also, foods rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids – such as fish or fish oils – will help keep your skin glowing with health.
Breakouts on Chest and Back
Heavy winter clothing – or even your layered workout clothing – traps sweat and oil, allowing it to mix with dead skin and bacteria in your pores, forming pimples. This might look bad, but it’s not hard to handle. A medicated body wash, with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, will help kill bacteria and unclog pores. Or treat yourself to a peel, which will not only help with pimples, but also any residual redness and scarring.
Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal can be burdensome and uncomfortable. But unlike shaving, tweezing or waxing, laser hair removal is a more comfortable and long-lasting solution to removing excess hair. Laser hair removal treatment is effective on a wide range of body and face areas, with permanent hair reduction achieved in almost all cases. Laser hair removal systems use a non-invasive laser light that is specifically designed to eliminate hair. During treatment, highly controlled flashes of light energy are delivered to the treatment area, where they are selectively absorbed by the hair follicles below the surface of the skin. The laser light destroys the hair follicle without damaging the skin.
Laser hair removal is very popular with women for facial hair, underarm area and the bikini line. But men also choose laser hair removal for their back, neck, shoulders, and chest.
Removal of Spider Veins
Hate those facial spider veins? Don’t go buy a hat to hide under. Lasers can address the veins as well as facial blotchiness. For veins on the legs, injection sclerotherapy is a comfortable procedure with an excellent success rate. You can also treat "cherry angiomas," those pesky little red spots we get as we get older. And with virtually no downtime, you can be enjoying the summer in no time.
Skin Cancer Prevention
Skin cancer is never attractive. Neither is leathery, over-exposed skin. The greatest underlying cause of skin cancer is the accumulated damage from excessive sun exposure. While all skin cancers can be successfully cured if they are discovered and treated early, prevention is your best way of avoiding skin cancer later in life. Use sunscreen with a high SPF (such as 30 or 45) on face, neck and hands. Avoid sun exposure when UV rays are at their peak (between 11am and 4 pm), and wear long sleeves, long pants and a hat when you can’t avoid overexposure. However, remember to supplement with extra vitamin D to maintain appropriate levels in your body.
The warm weather is almost here, and if you use some of these simple procedures, you’ll be ready to show off your summer skin in no time! Add a cool drink and a hot pedicure, and everyone will be asking you for your beauty secrets! So do it now - treat your skin and yourself and look great and feel confident this summer!
Dr Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about skin rejuvenation as well as the most up-to-date lasers, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse. Check out their website for a complete list of all the treatments:
She can be reached at:
1624 W. Olive Ave #B
Burbank, CA 91506
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Fight Back Against the Signs of Aging
Cellular function begins to slow down in our 20s and 30s, and when combined with sun exposure, spots, dullness, fine lines and wrinkles can start to show much sooner. In fact, most of us start to show some signs of aging by 25, when skin-cell turnover begins to slow and moisture levels decrease. Here are some tried and true anti-aging basics, plus some innovative treatments and products, to help you prevent or reduce the signs of aging.
Use Sunblock
Sun exposure will make your skin look older. Wrinkles, sun spots, discoloration and fine lines age the skin on your face, arms, legs, neck and chest. Using a sunblock with a high SPF won’t undo past exposure, but will prevent damage from future exposure. And don’t wait for summer – the sun’s UV rays are working on your skin all year long. One caveat—those with limited sun exposure will need to supplement with extra vitamin D, as one cannot get sufficient vitamin D from the diet alone.
A peel (chemical or other) gets rid of the old, dead layers of skin, leaving your complexion fresh and rejuvenated. A chemical peel is a treatment in which an acidic solution is used to remove the damaged top layers of the skin. Other peels use varying ingredients (such as fruits, enzymes or other plant materials), but all peels enhance and smooth your complexion.
Nutritional Supplements
Too many of us do not get enough vital nutrition from our diets. Supplements can help provide the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that contribute to overall systemic health, and help prevent inflammation and free radical damage in organs – including the skin. Consider adding vitamin D3 and Fish Oils (Omega 3 Fatty Acids) to your vitamin regime. If you do take a multivitamin, make sure it is food based and not synthetic, for better integration.
Moisturizers and other topical treatments
The right moisturizer can help fortify and renew your skin, sealing in moisture while protecting your skin from environmental dirt and toxins. For even more effectiveness in fighting aging, look for a moisturizer that has active ingredients such as antioxidants and peptides to help encourage natural metabolic skin function and a healthy complexion. Topical retinoids, such as Retin-A, diminish dark spots, balance skin tone and suppress visible wrinkles. Your dermatologist can prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
Remember, moisturizing isn’t just about lotions and creams. Hydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods rich in antioxidants. You can also use a humidifier while you sleep to give your dry skin a boost during the night, which will prevent your skin from drying out throughout the day.
Active FX/Total FX
Active FX/Total FX is a revolutionary fractional laser for more severely sun-damaged skin. An Active FX/Total FX treatment reduces wrinkles and fine lines by working deeper in the skin, to stimulate new collagen formation. The skin becomes plumper and the skin tone and texture show noticeable improvement. This is also a great treatment for facial acne scars.
The right treatment can help prevent skin damage before it’s even visible. But remember – whatever treatments or products you use on your face, you want to address your neck as well. Don’t let the skin below your face give your secret away.
Dr Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about skin rejuvenation as well as the most up-to-date lasers, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse. Check out their website for a complete list of all the treatments:
She can be reached at:
1624 W. Olive Ave #B
Burbank, CA 91506
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Los Angeles BOTOX® Cosmetic Informercial
BOTOX Cosmetic is a purified protein that relaxes facial muscles and holds them in place in this relaxed state for several months to achieve wrinkle reduction.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
50% Off A Refreshing Peel - Simply for Mentioning...
50% Off A Refreshing Peel!
Share with your friends!
To redeem, simply mention the Facebook Peel when you call in for an appointment!
Lisa Benest, MD Skin Care and Laser Center
1624 W. Olive, #B
Burbank, CA 91506
$40 Value - Offer Expires February 27th, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Appealing Peels: Treating Your Dry And Winter Damaged Skin
Winter weather can leave your face red and irritated, even in Southern California. Your warm weather skin care products can actually make your skin look and feel worse in winter. If your face is uncomfortably dry, avoid using harsh treatments, drying masks, and alcohol-based toners or astringents, all of which can strip vital oil from your skin. Use products that hydrate and help skin retain moisture. You should also consider a chemical or other peel to get rid of old, dead skin, leaving new, regenerated skin that can absorb your moisturizers and leave you with a rosy glow.
A chemical peel is a treatment in which an acidic solution is used to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin. A chemical peel enhances and smoothes your complexion. There are several different types of chemical peels. Your dermatologist will advise which is the best peel for you.
Light Chemical Peels
Your cosmetic dermatologist will use a specific formula for your chemical peel based on your skin and desired result. Light chemical peels are used to treat fine wrinkling, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation, and acne. The solution used for light chemical peels is usually comprised of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), such as glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids, as well as enzyme peels. Light chemical peels are ideal for people who want the benefits of a facial peel but do not wish to spend the time required to recover from a deeper peel.
Antioxidant and brightening peel boosters add antioxidants, such as vitamin C or Green Tea, and lightening agents, such as kojic acid and hydroquinone, to stimulate collagen and inhibit pigment production, resulting in brighter, glowing skin.
Medium Chemical Peels
For medium facial peels, many doctors use trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This treats fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes, and pigmentation problems. Medium depth peels typically cause several days of peeling after the procedure.
Other types of peels are also available through your dermatologist. In addition to providing relief for dry, winter skin, these peels supply a wide variety of benefits for skin health and appearance.
This is a 5-day deep herbal peel that was scientifically developed for skin regeneration using natural plant ingredients. It has been recognized worldwide as being highly safe and effective. These natural herbs increase circulation of the skin and cause layers of the epidermis to peel off, without the use of chemicals. They stimulate blood circulation and intensify metabolism, while promoting a healthy youthful looking skin.
The Vi Peel can visibly reverse the effects of sun damage, environmental factors and time. It is also helpful in clearing acne, pigmentation and impurities. You can expect several days of peeling after this procedure.
The 4-layer facelift is an organic peel with dramatic and fast acting results. Vitamin C, glycolic acid and gentle enzymes speed up cellular turnover and brighten, tighten and lighten your skin in just one treatment. And because it’s organic, it is safe for women who are pregnant or breast feeding.
Pumpkin, Mango, Cherry-Berry or Cranberry Peels are excellent sources of anti-oxidants, vitamins and enzymes as well as beneficial nutrients which help to rejuvenate the skin’s surface and transform dull, lifeless complexions into more youthful skin. Consult with your dermatologist for more information on these invigorating, natural peels.
Treat yourself to a soothing facial this winter. Loose the dry, dead skin while you brighten your complexion, and look and feel younger in the process. Talk to your dermatologist today.
Dr. Lisa Benest is a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank, CA. She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products. To learn more about how to take care of your skin as well as the most up-to-date treatments in skin care, schedule a Free Consultation with their cosmetic nurse. Check out their website for a complete list of all treatments:
Lisa Benest M.D.
1624 W. Olive #B
Burbank, CA