Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tip of the Week: How do I know if I'm aging well or not?

To determine how well you're aging is really about accessing how much sun damage you have. So if you are more of a sun worshiper, then you probably aren't aging as well as someone who avoids the sun. Aging skin woes like wrinkles and splotchiness are mainly the result of sun damage. However, creams that contain vitamins and antioxidants, as well as Botox and fillers can counter signs of aging (if you're open to going that route).

If you have any questions, please feel free to visit the website for articles, tips, products and more!

1 comment:

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

i'd kill to reverse what ever damage I did as a little girl...not so much sun worshiping in my teens/20's/30's.
5 yrs ago i got stage 2 on my leg...and last summer stage 1 on the other leg. I've got 2 nice scar to show for it. for 5 yrs i've been bending ppl's ears about the importance of wearing a 30 spf 24/7. it usually falls on death ears