Monday, August 17, 2009

Healthy Skin Is Beautiful Skin

Improving your image may help the way you feel about yourself, but it may also convey a more professional message.  While it is certainly true that beauty does come from within, there are some simple steps that you can take to enhance your outer appearance as well.  It is apparent that our society places a high value on youth.  Much money is spent on beauty creams and potions, various procedures to rejuvenate the skin, and even plastic surgery.  Each person must decide how much effort and expense they are willing to contribute toward their presentation.  While this would include many aspects, such as hair and clothing, as a Dermatologist, I would like to address the skin.

Rejuvenating the skin can be viewed on a gradient approach.  There are creams and superficial, light procedures that help give the skin a fresher glow or soften some of the lines and age spots.  For more dramatic improvement there are laser procedures.  These are stronger than face creams and peels, so they work more effectively, albeit cost more.  Beyond that there is plastic surgery, which typically results in the greatest improvement, with understandably higher expenses.  

For those who are looking for a simple boost, without the high price tag, here are some tips.  First, what you put into your body affects how well it functions.  That is not news to most people.  The skin is our largest organ and it is chock full of cells that are growing and duplicating.  Cells need quality food to be healthy and fulfill their jobs. Organic foods, free of pesticides and hormones nourish our cells so that they are not trying to survive amidst a sea of chemicals.  Certain foods, such as sugar and white flour, stress our cells the most, and contribute to overall inflammation in our bodies.  This translates into more irritated skin and more WRINKLES.  Some foods, such as fish (wild caught is best) and fresh fruits and vegetables, help reduce cellular inflammation.  Wrinkles are also formed by repeated motions, such as by frowning or along the lips by smoking.  Eventually, the skin creases where these motions have been made over and over again.  Supplementing with anti-oxidant vitamins can minimize some of the damaging chemicals we encounter daily, such as from pollution.  Two antioxidants that are helpful for wrinkles are alpha lipoic acid and DMAE.  Fish oils (EPA/DHA) are also excellent anti-inflammatory supplements that keep our skin healthy and also more youthful.  CoEnzyme Q10 is also a crucial antioxidant for keeping the body’s organs functioning at its best.

What you put onto your skin can affect the way it feels and looks as well.  There are some brands that use all organic ingredients.  Some products contain topical vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea, alpha lipoic acid, CoEnzyme Q10, and more.  With good formulations, these antioxidants can penetrate the skin at higher concentrations than what you could get with internal supplements.  You could expect to notice a smoother, even complexion, and healthier looking skin.  An added bonus is that some of these topical vitamins, especially vitamin C, help protect your skin from the damage due to the sun’s rays.  The cells are more able to repair themselves after injury from ultraviolet radiation, the type of harmful rays put out by the sun, which contribute to aging skin and skin cancer. 


Dr. Lisa Benest is a general and cosmetic dermatologist in Burbank.  She and her staff provide comprehensive skin examinations as well as an array of non-invasive, cosmetic procedures and offer a full line of skin care products.  To learn more about skin rejuvenation as well as the most up-to-date lasers, schedule a Free Consultation with our cosmetic nurse.  Check out our website for a complete list of all our treatments:

Lisa Benest M.D.

1624 W. Olive #B

Burbank, CA 91506
